Sunday, November 17, 2013

Booksellers for a Day

In an economy that continues to be very lean, the best way to thrive is to be innovative, to come up with ideas that are new and fresh. That's what Snohomish's Uppercase Bookshop did yesterday when they gave us the opportunity to be booksellers for a day.

Think about it: what book lover hasn't fantasized about what it would be like to work in a bookstore instead of their their current day job? Even if you enjoy your livelihood and find meaning in it, as I do, working in a bookstore is something I've always fantasized about.Bookshops are like travel agents that sell you tickets to other worlds for the same price as a cup of coffee. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that magic?

Now I know what it's like to work in a bookstore....and I want *MORE*!

Everett Herald article about Uppercase: link
Yelp reviews: link

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